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Kulusuk, Greenland
When youre coming to East Greenland, one of the first settlements youll have a chance to visit is Kulusuk. As the other settlements in Ammassalik, Kulusuk remains relatively immune to Western influence despite the regular influx of tourists, partly because the villagers follow a more traditional way of life and partly because visitors tend to only stay short-term. Kulusuk is the perfect introduction to the settlements of the Ammassalik area. The tiny village clings to the rocky island above a glittering sea of icebergs with dramatic mountain peaks as a backdrop. Fishing and service industries are becoming more important, but hunting seal, whale and polar bears is still an important source of income for the many families. Service industries are becoming encreasingly more important, but traditional hunting and fishing is still an important source of income for many of the families. SightsEasy Hike to the Village of Kap Dan3 We walk from Kulusuk to Kap Dan passing the cemetery to learn about traditions and up to a view point to overlook the village before we descend to Kap Dan to experience the daily life in a Greenland settlement. Walk back to the hotel. The return from Kap Dan to the hotel can be arranged by local boats at an extra charge. Drive up the Mountain to View Point2 We drive from the hotel along a mountain track to a radio station on a mountain top overlooking the Arctic Ocean and the Kulusuk Island. Helicopter Flight to the Apusiajik GlacierHelicopter tour departing from Kulusuk airport. The flight will reveal astounding views of the ice filled fiords, snow caped mountain ranges and scattered islands so special to the rough east coast of Greenland. (May include ground stop). Operation is dependent upon the weather and helicopter capacity. Hiking to the Ruin of the Mysterious Hunting Wall4 KUS5): Easy hike from hotel to the lake. We cross the river and walk into the marchland, which will take us to the Big stone, which the local hunters have used to spot their prey for centuries. Close by are the remain of an ancient wall which was used to trap the wild life. This wall is believed to date back several 100s of years. After refreshment stop we will go in search for an old hunter's grave and also the old prayer stone, which was used to contact the ancient Inuit Gods. The guide will tell about Inuit believes and religious traditions to help bring this special place to life. |