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Saulkrasti, Latvia
Saulkrasti the town closer to the Sun. Vidzemes seaside with the rural area under Saulkrastis authority stretches for 17 km from Lilaste to the border of the Limbai region in Skulte. Saulkrasti could be well characterized by its blazon: it includes four rivers: Inčupe, Pēterupe, Ķīupe and Aģe, five villages: Bādciems, Katrīnbāde (Pabai), Pēterupe, Neibāde and Zvejniekciems, blue sky and sea with golden Sun above it. Saulkrasti carries its present name since 1933, when the villages were marged into one common municipal structure, and since 1991 it ihas been a town. |